Monday, October 20, 2008

bed stuy is awesome

Just moved to Nostrand & Marcy in 11205 and its prety neat. a) i love brooklyn b) i love brooklyn and i just love being a hateful loathesome yuppie! FY NYT!

speaking of which, silly brainless nyt (for whom the only acceptable way to have money is while pretending not to have it - not a difficult pretense considering it wasnt earned via own hard work) has this silly brainless article quoting BOTH people who might be thinking of moving to east village instead

anyways I live here and its awesome. its actually rather heavily policed. prolly safer here than alot of places in the city. i most certainly wouldn't try to break into a house anywhere near here: what w. the 24 hr home depot, the blockfulls of retired nypd-occupied housing and the steady foot and auto traffic on Nostrand, better try your luck uptown somewheres! bigger take, at any rate!!

i had ordered an alarm and returned it without even opening the box. 

the g train - it aint bad not even a little. its shocking to me, going from supposedly #1 ranked 7 to the supposedly poorest-ranked G, just how much quicker and nicer my commute downtown is now via train. just this morning, i left my house @ 8:30 and was in the office by 9. This AFTER having accidentally gone in the wrong direx on the G for a few stops, first!

hey it may be that a "new duane reade" aint the most exciting thing that could happen to a neighbourhood but clinton hill proper is just a few blocks away!

already found a brunch place (chez oscar, with PEACH mimosas!) and can't wait to check out sputnik this wed for some off-main-street hip hop. i hear its a lesbian mc duo this week!